Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hello There !

Soooo I'm sure you all can tell I don't have time for ANYTHING EVER IN LIFE...which is why I haven't been posting AT ALL.  I want to correct myself and say that I am taking EIGHT CLASSES, not nine.  I would have taken nine, but that didn't work out.  I listed those classes in the last post.

The most important part of this post, however, are my grades.  In my VPS class, my teacher so KINDLY informed us that, "Here at AMDA you start at an 'F' and work your way to an 'A'...otherwise why are you here?"  I am in no way proud, but I am confident, so that did not scare me.  I work hard, pay attention, ask questions, and handle my business so I knew that even with that policy I could be at no less than a 'C+' in any given class.

These past two weeks were midterms and we had conferences with most of our teachers to get our grades and my results are as follows (enjoy) :

Acting Foundations: B...and Mr. Mesnik has said that he does NOT give 'A's at the midterm point.

Acting for Camera 1: A...that's right!

Improv 1 Foundations: B+...and he also informed me that he could see me having an 'A' by the end of the term!

Stage Combat: A-...I have an 'A' in deportment for this class!

I do not currently know the rest of my grades because my teachers have not told me but I should have no lower than a 'C+' or 'B-'....a 'C+' would actually shock me.


I'm proud of myself!  I spend most of my time studying and sleeping.  I'm not much of a partier, though the opportunities ABOUND.  My roommate Ashlie is amazing so you need not worry about my living conditions.  She's clean, polite, and caring...and amazing!

I'm just having a great time!

It's SO true that you need to know your boundaries before you come to college and I am exploring that fact.  I know mine and I know some who don't know theirs.  Even when I'm not sure why I have certain boundaries, I still maintain them and I typically end up realizing why, later.  I often think to myself, "If I would have...then right now I'd be..."  There are friends of mine who are currently living in regret and I was actually able to be with a friend as they decided to define their boundaries.  It inspired me to keep with mine, and I hope it inspires you in some way.

With All Love and Joy,

Talayne Jasmine-Josey Gardiner <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Talk about LOVE, wonderful people!  I need not any man, fortune, or luxury of this world...only God and AMDA :)  I have met my match and I CANNOT get enough!  I am taking nine classes and they are as follows:

-Acting Foundations 1
-Acting For Camera 1
-Improvisation Foundations 1
-VPS (Voice Production and Speech) Foundations
-Film Survey: History 1
-Theatre Viewing
-Play Reading
-Stage Combat 1 Unarmed

Thursday, February 24, 2011



I know, I know, I said I would post every Friday but it's dang near IMPOSSIBLE!  I am currently without a laptop, starting CRAZY classes, and going through the financial crisis OF THE CENTURY!  In fact, I am on my way to speak with the financial aid office...I just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive...broke...but alive.  OH !  And I LOVEEEEE this school!  I'm having the time of my life =)


Talayne Gardiner <3

Friday, February 11, 2011



I only have SIX DAYS until I move onto the campus of the lovely American Musical and Dramatic Academy!  I cannot wait to start my adventure!  I'm still preparing...buying things I'll need and so on and so forth and each day brings with it, a new level of anticipation.

I want to let you all know what to expect when reading this blog on a weekly basis.  I'm going to be discussing topics such as, my academic standing, my highs and lows, and things of that nature.  I want to make sure that I do not neglect the village that has helped raise me and shape me into the individual that I am, and will have a part in the success of the near future :)

Something that may inspire you for this week :) We all have moments or even whole periods of time when we forget how wonderful we are, how capable we are, and how much we've accomplished within our lifetime.  I had a few moments this week when I was intimidated by the process to come and I stopped to remind myself of how wonderful, capable, and accomplished I am.  I have done great things throughout the 17 (almost eighteen) years of my existence.  There was, however, one specific moment that encouraged me this week.  For those of you who don't know, I am currently working as a teacher's assistant to an after school tutor.  I won't be able to continue my work when I start school and I announced that at our last session.  The kids in the session all stopped and said, "Oh no!  You can't leave us! Please stay!"  That moment reminded me that I am indeed making an impact on the world, and in the lives of some young children.  I began to think about other, similar moments in which my faith in my excellence (through God) was renewed.  I feel like I can conquer the world!  I'm sure SOMEONE who views this is currently feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders and so I ask...What makes you wonderful, capable, and accomplished?

Bright Smiles,

Talayne Jasmine-Josey Gardiner

Friday, February 4, 2011


HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE and welcome to my whirlwind! :) I am SO excited to be starting school in two weeks you have no idea! I first, would like to thank ANYONE who dares to read this.  Secondly, I would like to thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to be attending AMDA (The American Musical and Dramatic Academy).

THE EPIC JOURNEY : For those of you who don't know, the road to my attendance at AMDA was NEVER an easy one (Right, Mr. Hurd? lol).  After I graduated High School in June 2010, my plan was to attend Manhattanville College in New York.  My dream was to go to college in New York...what can I say? I'm adventurous!  Truth be told, however, I was not COMPLETELY satisfied with the idea of Manhattanville.  Back in May, I had received an email from AMDA and I scheduled an audition after graduation.  I auditioned, and was accepted.  My heart's one desire was to go to AMDA in New York, and I was one student loan away from doing so and so I completely abandoned Manhattanville.  But as they say, money talks...and I was left about $16,000 short of what I needed.  Community college?  Well, due to circumstances I won't detail, I pursued the working route.  If you know me, you know I don't EVER give up on my dreams and I decided if I was not going to AMDA in NYC, I was GOING in Los Angeles/Hollywood!  Briefly stated, here I am, six months later, buying last minute things, finding future roommates on facebook, and getting ready to go! AMDA LA here I come!

WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?! Well, if you know me, you know I would DIE without drama! I will be in a full and constant, four-year, pursuit of my Bbachelor of Ffine Arts in Acting.  I can hear some of you now, "Acting?  Isn't that a little risky?" Yes, it is.  However, there is NOTHING I would rather do with my life and I KNOW God has put the arts in my heart for a reason.  Also, the structure of the program at my school is very likely to give me a pretty decent head start upon graduation. :)
Some might also wonder what I'm doing at a school that has no meal plans....ummmm...I wish I knew lol.  Thanks to God and The SPACE Program, I have enough to go grocery shopping.  Let's just hope the responsibility my mother and father have spent 17 years trying to get into me, will shine through :)

IN CONCLUSION...I'm a driven, young, capable individual with God on my side.  I have not yet found a church to attend while I'm in college, but I actually think that fits PERFECTLY with the renovation of my relationship with God that is currently taking place.  Ever so often, one needs to make sure that their faith is a genuine relationship with God, and not a routine of doing what religion dictates :)  This new stage for me is marked by a plethora of changes taking place in life.  I'll even be turning 18 on February 25th!  My life is turning into more of an adventure by the day and I'm ready!

I will be posting a new blog every Friday hopefully before 9pm and I hope you follow it!  And I can have the blog sent to your email address if you so desire the convenience :)

God Bless...I love you all and thank you for the support!  I encourage comments and questions, I'm an open book!

From an Eager and Ever-Grateful,

Talayne Jasmine-Josey Gardiner <3 :)

(310) 654-0462

*A quote that truly inspires me, "One does not rise to the occasion, but default to their level of training"...I hope that inspired you too!*

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Unofficial Post

My first OFFICIAL post will be this friday, but yes indeed, you HAVE found my blog :)

Love & Peace,

Talayne Gardiner