Friday, February 4, 2011


HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE and welcome to my whirlwind! :) I am SO excited to be starting school in two weeks you have no idea! I first, would like to thank ANYONE who dares to read this.  Secondly, I would like to thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to be attending AMDA (The American Musical and Dramatic Academy).

THE EPIC JOURNEY : For those of you who don't know, the road to my attendance at AMDA was NEVER an easy one (Right, Mr. Hurd? lol).  After I graduated High School in June 2010, my plan was to attend Manhattanville College in New York.  My dream was to go to college in New York...what can I say? I'm adventurous!  Truth be told, however, I was not COMPLETELY satisfied with the idea of Manhattanville.  Back in May, I had received an email from AMDA and I scheduled an audition after graduation.  I auditioned, and was accepted.  My heart's one desire was to go to AMDA in New York, and I was one student loan away from doing so and so I completely abandoned Manhattanville.  But as they say, money talks...and I was left about $16,000 short of what I needed.  Community college?  Well, due to circumstances I won't detail, I pursued the working route.  If you know me, you know I don't EVER give up on my dreams and I decided if I was not going to AMDA in NYC, I was GOING in Los Angeles/Hollywood!  Briefly stated, here I am, six months later, buying last minute things, finding future roommates on facebook, and getting ready to go! AMDA LA here I come!

WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?! Well, if you know me, you know I would DIE without drama! I will be in a full and constant, four-year, pursuit of my Bbachelor of Ffine Arts in Acting.  I can hear some of you now, "Acting?  Isn't that a little risky?" Yes, it is.  However, there is NOTHING I would rather do with my life and I KNOW God has put the arts in my heart for a reason.  Also, the structure of the program at my school is very likely to give me a pretty decent head start upon graduation. :)
Some might also wonder what I'm doing at a school that has no meal plans....ummmm...I wish I knew lol.  Thanks to God and The SPACE Program, I have enough to go grocery shopping.  Let's just hope the responsibility my mother and father have spent 17 years trying to get into me, will shine through :)

IN CONCLUSION...I'm a driven, young, capable individual with God on my side.  I have not yet found a church to attend while I'm in college, but I actually think that fits PERFECTLY with the renovation of my relationship with God that is currently taking place.  Ever so often, one needs to make sure that their faith is a genuine relationship with God, and not a routine of doing what religion dictates :)  This new stage for me is marked by a plethora of changes taking place in life.  I'll even be turning 18 on February 25th!  My life is turning into more of an adventure by the day and I'm ready!

I will be posting a new blog every Friday hopefully before 9pm and I hope you follow it!  And I can have the blog sent to your email address if you so desire the convenience :)

God Bless...I love you all and thank you for the support!  I encourage comments and questions, I'm an open book!

From an Eager and Ever-Grateful,

Talayne Jasmine-Josey Gardiner <3 :)

(310) 654-0462

*A quote that truly inspires me, "One does not rise to the occasion, but default to their level of training"...I hope that inspired you too!*

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Unofficial Post

My first OFFICIAL post will be this friday, but yes indeed, you HAVE found my blog :)

Love & Peace,

Talayne Gardiner